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Why It’s Wise to Invest in Annual Heater Maintenance

Annual Heater Maintenance in Waynesville, OH

Living in Waynesville, OH, makes it imperative to ensure your heater remains in good shape. After all, the average low temperature ranges from 23 to 33 degrees throughout the winter, so you definitely don’t want to deal with any unexpected outages. Fortunately, you can schedule annual heater maintenance to find out about any issues that are developing in your unit before they turn into a major problem.

Top Reasons to Get Annual Heater Maintenance

Investing in annual heater maintenance will keep your warranty valid, help keep your energy bills in line and improve the longevity of your furnace. Furthermore, it’s a good way to prevent breakdowns and repairs, while improving safety and giving a qualified HVAC technician the opportunity to diagnose and take care of small problems.

How Important is Preventative Maintenance?

The simple fact is that every furnace manufacturer recommends getting annual preventative maintenance. They know how vital it is to avoid unexpected breakdowns, whether you live in Waynesville or not. This isn’t just a way to make you spend more money. In fact, the entire purpose of regular preventative heater maintenance is to help ensure you can save money and extend the life of your unit. Therefore, if it’s been a year or more since your last preventative maintenance checkup, you can save yourself a lot of trouble by contacting a qualified HVAC technician today.

Waynesville HVAC Experts Can Help

Getting a performance tune-up can help you in a number of ways. First, we’ll clean your humidification system, condensate drain and condenser coil. Next, we’ll adjust your blower components and inspect your filtration system. Additionally, we’ll check your blower motor, tighten electrical connections, look for refrigerant leaks, check the thermostat setting, clean the ignition assembly and burner, check your flue draft and test your safety controls. That way, you’ll have peace of mind that your HVAC system will keep operating all winter long.

Has it been a while since you’ve had your furnace maintained? Contact the professional team at On Target Heating and Cooling in Waynesville today to schedule your appointment!

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